

August 30, 2015

Hellooooooo blog!

Back when I had work up to my neck, all I wanted to do was write and update this blog. But of course I couldn’t. One would expect me to be updating on a daily basis once I submitted my final work as an undergraduate architecture student, but… I didn’t, as evident in the 4 month gap since my most recent post. I’m not going to apologise for the hiatus, especially since the only person who reads this blog is… well… me. Not that I have a problem with that. Regardless of that fact, I always write in a way that appears as if I have an audience.

A lot has happened since I last updated – both bad and good, but I have a tendency to remember the latter better, so if you were to ask me about the bad that has happened over the course of the last 4 months I probably won’t even be able to tell you. Except for the fact that I graduated with a disappointing 2.2 (which sucks at the time I found out because it was not even close to what I was aiming for) but if I’m being completely honest; I’m soooooo over it now. I am no longer one to dwell on things that upsets me.

The best thing thats happened in my life recently didn’t actually happen to me, but my eldest sister; SHE GOT MARRIED! If you think that only the bride and groom are entitled to feeling an overwhelming wave of emotions leading up to their wedding… THINK AGAIN. The marriage between two people involves a lot more than just the two of them, as I’ve had the pleasure/pain of finding out.

A lot of other things (of a smaller scale) has happened in between, and I do plan on having them all laid out across this platform – purely so that I could look back and be reminded of them myself. One example is that my boyfriend and I are becoming a lot more invested in film photography now than we were over two years ago, when I first got my Olympus Trip 35 and him a Leica Minilux. We’re amateurs, so don’t bet on seeing really beautiful images anytime soon because we’re still experimenting with… everything. But hopefully we get a hang of it soon enough so that I can begin to share photos that isn’t as bad a quality as the one above.

Before I go off on a tangent, its best I end this post here.

See you soon?

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