

August 30, 2015

Hellooooooo blog!

Back when I had work up to my neck, all I wanted to do was write and update this blog. But of course I couldn’t. One would expect me to be updating on a daily basis once I submitted my final work as an undergraduate architecture student, but… I didn’t, as evident in the 4 month gap since my most recent post. I’m not going to apologise for the hiatus, especially since the only person who reads this blog is… well… me. Not that I have a problem with that. Regardless of that fact, I always write in a way that appears as if I have an audience.

A lot has happened since I last updated – both bad and good, but I have a tendency to remember the latter better, so if you were to ask me about the bad that has happened over the course of the last 4 months I probably won’t even be able to tell you. Except for the fact that I graduated with a disappointing 2.2 (which sucks at the time I found out because it was not even close to what I was aiming for) but if I’m being completely honest; I’m soooooo over it now. I am no longer one to dwell on things that upsets me.

The best thing thats happened in my life recently didn’t actually happen to me, but my eldest sister; SHE GOT MARRIED! If you think that only the bride and groom are entitled to feeling an overwhelming wave of emotions leading up to their wedding… THINK AGAIN. The marriage between two people involves a lot more than just the two of them, as I’ve had the pleasure/pain of finding out.

A lot of other things (of a smaller scale) has happened in between, and I do plan on having them all laid out across this platform – purely so that I could look back and be reminded of them myself. One example is that my boyfriend and I are becoming a lot more invested in film photography now than we were over two years ago, when I first got my Olympus Trip 35 and him a Leica Minilux. We’re amateurs, so don’t bet on seeing really beautiful images anytime soon because we’re still experimenting with… everything. But hopefully we get a hang of it soon enough so that I can begin to share photos that isn’t as bad a quality as the one above.

Before I go off on a tangent, its best I end this post here.

See you soon?

Daily, Health & Fitness, Life Abroad

An Initiative.

April 25, 2015

(re: My last post)

I am well aware that a detox isn’t a permanent solution to my weight gain/lethargy/recent ease of disease contraction – I’ve gotten ill more times in the last month than I did in the entirety of 2014 – so I’ve decided that I needed to be more proactive in my aim towards being a healthier, lighter, fitter me.

In addition to the regular workouts I’ve been doing inside the comfort of my own house, cycling and attending classes at the sports centre, I thought I’d take up something I loathe – running. Why? Because… why not kill two birds with one stone while I have the chance? If I could make a habit of out running (or more accurately; jogging, at the pace I’m going at at the moment) not only would it assist in achieving an overall better body, physically and metaphysically but it would also prove my ability to conquer anything and/or everything  that I put my mind to, regardless of my feelings towards it.


This morning I woke up in a hurry, because it dawned on me that I had less than 10 minutes to carry out my Subuh prayers. I was tempted to go back to sleep, as I usually do after my morning prayers but I was determined to break my habit of sleeping late and rising late – so it was the best time as any to actually start running, so as to keep myself from retreating back into my duvet and kick off my day on a good note.

Took my L-Carnitine and energy tea – and rushed out the door.

Continue Reading…

Daily, Health & Fitness, Life Abroad


April 22, 2015

(image source)

I am running out of ideas as to how to shed some pounds – frankly I don’t understand why I’m having so much trouble losing weight, especially because I am particular about what I eat and put into my body; my part of the fridge is often stocked full with vegetables and the only occasion where I would consume chicken, or any other meat/poultry for that matter is when it is served to me by the cook. I do treat myself occasionally with guilt-inducing meals and snacks, but generally I eat healthy. I know I know – its not all about what I eat, but even though I’m not the most active person there is I do exercise regularly. I make sure I fit in a light/medium intensity workout twice a day consisting of squats, lunges, push ups, leg lifts and interval training. Not to mention that I also cycle to (almost) everywhere I need to be so I’m not entirely a slacker who sits on her bum all day. Even when I’m sat at my desk 90% of the day, I do take 5 minutes off to squeeze in a super short workout.

I’m eating right and I’m moderately active yet I feel as if I’m gaining weight with every passing day, and although it hasn’t been possible for anything to completely engulf my self-esteem since I aged into my 20s – I can’t say that it hasn’t affected my confidence, regardless. So I’m resorting to a method I’ve tried and tested; the Master Cleanse. The last time I did this cleanse was back in 2011 for 10 days, and contrary to my initial reservations; the cleanse kept me energised, focused and at the same time helped flush out toxins from my body, aiding in weight loss. I planned on attempting a full 40-day cleanse, but considering that in the next 30 days I would be incredibly busy preparing for the final submission of my undergraduate course – I will be aiming for 10 days and adding on to that if required.

I already have every necessary ingredient in order to go on the cleanse, so I will start as soon as…


I’ll try to update progress (if there is any) photos just to show whether it’ll have the same/less/better effect it had on me a couple of years back.