
Why I Blog.

March 21, 2015

(photo from perhaps, 3 years ago)

I’m actually supposed to be doing work that is due in less than three days, but I get distracted – as I normally do, and perused through entries on my old blog. (Which I made private to clean up after spambots, but you can access now, HERE) Its helped me remember why I absolutely l o v e blogging.

Now, the mind is a wonderful, wonderful thing. But being human, we tend to forget more than we remember. Blogging, writing in a diary, or even writing little notes of what we do on a daily basis will help us remember so much of what we don’t. Sure, I remember the big events that has happened throughout my life, but it is looking back and rediscovering little details about my days in the past and how its shaped me into being the person I am today is what made me feel so so grateful that I blogged religiously back then.

I realised I stopped blogging when I came to Manchester, and I don’t know why that is. I’ve had some great experiences here and have had many a memorable days spent with friends that I remember from the top of my head, but it saddens me to know that I can never really know what I did and what I felt on certain days because I never bothered to write anything down anywhere.

I now wish I would have taken the time (that I had a lot of) to write, but whats done is done, and what wasn’t blogged; wasn’t. And I don’t want to be the sort of person who dwells about the past.

I’m only 24 years old this year, and I have my entire life ahead of me (if God permits, insyaAllah) so instead of feeling regretful over what I did or did not do, I would like to use this “consciousness“, if I may, as a stimuli to blog more frequently from here on out.

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